Noble "drew ali" our prophet received from the nations of America in 1928 the mandate recognizing the Moors claim to the Americas.

In 1928, Noble Drew Ali attended the Pan-American Conference in Havana, Cuba. At said conference, our Prophet received from the nations of America the mandate recognizing the Moors’ claim to the Americas, and simultaneously, the expiration of the European mandate to occupy Moorish lands in the Western Hemisphere. The issuance and invocation of this Official […]

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Russia has ‘60 days to fix compliance with INF’ or US will quit – Pompeo.

The Moorish Empire “Al Moroc Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos” permitted the Foreign Western European Christians  U.S.A + UK + EU Corporate Companies to operate at Al-Moroc under “Usufruct Circa 1400s+”. Since the 1800s, The U.S.A + UK + EU Colonial Genocide Corporations, Rigged Laws, so they can Steal, Murder and War in the name […]

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Anonymous blows lid off huge psyop in Europe and it’s funded by UK & US.

Published time: 23 Nov, 2018 16:30 Edited time: 23 Nov, 2018 18:54 Get short URL © REUTERS/Mark Makela. Anonymous has published documents which it claims have unearthed a massive UK-led psyop to create a “large-scale information secret service” in Europe – all under the guise of countering “Russian propaganda.” In a document dump on November […]

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US threatens new Turkey sanctions unless jailed pastor released. What About Millions of American Nationals In Prisons by The U.S.A. Now???

A Colonial U.S.A Person commits crimes in an other Country, that U.S.A Sanctions and Threatens The Country or Countries. Under Colonization, Millions of Original American Nationals “Moors” are held in Concentration Camp Style Prisons by U.S. Corporation Militarized Policy Enforcers “Right Here and Now”, Where is The Outrage and Sanctions against them. Nationally (So-called Whites) […]

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1492-The last muslim kingdom of Al-Andalus falls.

The other Reconstruction Story from and for the Modern Albion Hybrids who were trained to conquer and take what was not theirs by any means necessary. What is not shown in the story are: Christian Churches are Stealth Arms of The Vatican European Inquisition Operations Of The World. You think different, you are food, Period. […]

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Original Name for All These: United States is “Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos” in The Family of Nations.

Do you really know any of Your True Her-Story, or are you repeating your indoctrinated His-Story??? Indigenous Native American Moors “aka” AI Moroccans are Attached to The Land By Birth-Right, Heritage and Right of Primo Geniture.  North-Central-South America and All The American Nation – States of the Southwestern hemisphere certainly, and undeniably, constitute America! Americans […]

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