Wokeness trumps grammar?

Wokeness trumps grammar? Columbia Journalism Review grilled for capitalizing ‘Black’ but not ‘white’ in ethnicity references 17 Jun, 2020 10:41 Get short URL ©  Global Look Press / Ingo Schulz Follow RT on The Columbia Journalism Review has received a barrage of internet scorn after attempting to justify its policy of capitalizing ‘black’ but not […]

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Cash bail system drives mass incarceration of the poor – lawsuit against Detroit

The Lame Stream Media and De-facto U.S.A Government CORPORATION, love to talk about Racism and so-called white Supremacy, knowing full well those are buzz-words to cover the real Agenda “Secret Treaty of Verona” and “Doctrine of Discovery”. Yes to hide, Birth-Right Theft (bowl of red porridge) Heriditament Theft and Genocide of Ab-original Americans (Trading Places). […]

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Migrants who throw rocks will be arrested, not shot – Trump.

***These U.S Colonial people are no friends of Truth***Venezuela poses no actual threat to the US, though you’d be forgiven for thinking it did to hear Bolton’s speech. U.S administration claims leaders in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras blame Maduro’s government for organizing and financing the migrant caravans currently creeping toward the US border. Meanwhile, […]

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Does labor in US prisons amount to modern day slavery? RT’s Boom Bust investigates

When Corporate USA (as De-facto Government)  Kidnap, Imprison on Made up Charges and Force Labor, under Color of Law, between “4,000,000 Four Million and 7,000,000 Seven Million” Original Americans, that is Slavery, Genocide and Human Trafficking. Most of these Victims are De-nationalized Moorish Americans being constantly Traded as Stock through The USA Corporate Prison System. […]

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