Deep understanding of the trade war allows China more composure.

These mad modern Europeans keep getting more bellicose as their Secret World-Wide Genocide and Wealth Stealing, Culture Stealing, Heritage Stealing known under different names. The main names are 1. “Secret Treaty of Verona, 2. Unum Sanctum, 3. The Doctrine of Discovery, 4. The Inter Caetera Divina, 5. Dum Devertis, 6. Romanus Pontifex, 7. Cesti Que […]

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Ancient Egyptians, Grand Canyon-2

We are told, why do you not get over it, I was not here to do that, if it happened, it was my Grand-Parents or Great Grand Parents. Well We have no intention of getting over it un-till you “all Confess” and work with us to correct the wrongs. It is not an easy thing […]

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Ancient Egyptians, Grand Canyon-1

It may seem strange to read the information just below in the next chapter, while looking at and reading about Ancient Egypt In America. Rest assured, the 2 “two” tie to-gether to figure out how and why this information has been so Buried and Censored for All-most a Century. The story starting at “Ancient Egyptians, […]

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