Prophet Noble Drew Ali Proclaiming the Moorish Americans, As a Sovereign Nation, In Havana Cuba in 1928 A.D.
The Holy and Illustrious Prophet Noble Drew Ali was born January 8, 1886, amongst His sleeping Moorish American Nation. During those days all Moors born in the United States were State-certified to be Commercial Property under the “All Persons Born” Clause of the 14th Amendment. Drew Ali is pictured here holding the Flags of Morocco and United States. Normally whenever Drew Ali displayed either flag they were hung in the science of national distress or weakness (upside down or backward). Here, although Drew Ali’s posture is an upright sitting position, notice His legs are crossed left-over-right; symbolizing both countries are in adversity.
1928 in havana cuba recieving the mandate to the americas.
This picture was taken during the 1928 Pan American Conference, hosted by Havana, Cuba. The “Panama” was placed upon Ali’s head by the President of Cuba. When Noble Drew Ali arrived and registered in Havana He autographed His High Name of “El Hajj Sharif Abdul Ali” given to Him by Sultan Abdul Aziz Ibu of the Saudi Family upon completing the Pilgrimage in the Holy City of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. That event occurred during 1912 shortly after receiving the Kematian Adept Degree of “Prophet” from the Noblest Authorities of the Ancient Egyptian Order. It was there He was bestowed the name of ‘Faithful’ (Moslem) in order to be accepted into the Holy City of Mecca.
Was Noble Drew Ali ever a Mason? No. The accuracy of the above dates of His Divine Ministry on earth alone dispels all western rumors, begun by scandalmongers, about Noble Drew Ali being a Western Freemason. A Mastermind yes – a Mason no. Further proof: He was sixteen in 1902 when He left the USA and was five years too young to join a Masonic Lodge. Ten years later, by the time Ali returned as a Holy Prophet, He was too Angelic and All-Knowing to cut down to masonry. No Angel can be made into a Mason. But by diluting Drew Ali’s image into the nation-less Negro Lodges, His Western haters would appear to be successful distorting the sacred-ness of His Prophet-hood in the minds of His people. Albeit Prophets are the Will of The Great God and therefore cannot be confined by the mere oaths of carnal man.

Truth is told “If you are honest, oaths are unnecessary.” Of course the insertion of these Grand Lodge ‘Principles of segregation’ began after Drew Ali departed out of flesh, (July 20, 1929). The clandestine infiltration of the western Masonic orders would create massive confusion and self-hatred within the ranks of the Moors. As members, His flock would be scattered, Temples disunited and National Constitution of His government would be overthrown for nearly a century after The Prophet left His body. Because of the influence of Western Freemasonry, Noble Drew Ali’s message to the world has often been confined away from the public by the strictest of secrecy. Under a disguise of religious memberships and civic duties the now masonic-based Moorish Science Temples of America (MSTA) Organizations would claim feign ownership of all Moorish Americans. In reality Drew Ali had foundated the MSTA under the 1st Amendment of the USA as a teaching institution to reach his supreme duty of a Prophet, which is TO SAVE NATIONS FROM THE WRATH OF ALLAH. His MSTA was a means to reach the infinite salvation and freedom of a clean and pure nation.
Attendees-of-the-1928-Moorish-Science-Temple-Conclave-in-Chicago who are the moors Instructions re hurds revised stats. 100 years noble drew ali
Nevertheless, MSTA member, Charles Kirkman-Bey, Master Polyglot, although not an Adept, acted as a Pan American Chief Interpreter for The Holy Prophet. Also in attendance were several Tribal Chiefs of the Continental Americas and Secretary of State Hughes of the Corporate USA. He was in awe of the pure divinity of the Moorish American’s Constitution de jure. Also there were free National Delegates from Central and South Americas and adjoining Islands. During the Conference Noble Drew Ali was given The North America Mandate for the Land, which the United States had been occupying un-law-fully since 1871. This Mandate is now in Geneva Switzerland awaiting its pro-claim-atory status of the Moorish Nation. While attending the 1928 Pan American Conference for Indigenous Nations, Noble Drew Ali did indeed attach the Moorish Americans to the free national powers of the Earth. During His appearance in Havana Cuba Drew Ali registered the Moorish Americans as a new generic Nation, with a Free National Constitution de jure.
This demonstration brought to light His religious MSTA Organization was established to be a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and had no natural function at the Pan American Conference of Nations, Tribes and Families. NGO’s are never nations. The conference was not about any religious concerns but certain unalienable rights guaranteed to the Human Family of Nations. These Pan American Conferences would later become the designer of today’s world renowned United Nations and Declarations of Human Rights.
In these days the Moorish comprehend very little of all their Prophet has brought for them. During the post-conference years the USA’s refusal to yield the hallowed soil to the Moorish would result in a high warning from Noble Drew Ali, the Holy Prophet: “Until my Moors are free in their own home, the worst is yet to come. The United States owes the Moors a great debt; they must be made to pay and pay with compound interest. They have but one more war to win”. The next year Drew Ali left the body saying, “I can better fight the rest of this battle on the soul plane where Satan cannot hide”. Within the following twelve years the Stock Market had Crashed, Illuminati’s “Black Pope” and Federal Reserve Bank had taken over the fake sovereignty of the Corporate UNITED STATES and an economic drought called “The Great Depression” would break the economic stability of every Citizen except for the heads of ten families. As if it was not enough to soften her hardened heart, the USA would be functioning under perpetual Maritime Law that would go into effect within four years (1933).
Worst yet, who heard Drew Ali’s prophecy, “The UNITED STATES has but one more war to win.” And to this day, after 50+ years in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, the USA has not won another war since World War II. One of Ali’s last warnings was: “If you do not believe I am a Prophet, watch my prophesies” See THE PROPHESIES AND HADITHS OF NOBLE DREW ALI Surely with this unprecedented Bio who can deny Drew Ali is indeed Allah’s Last and greatest Prophet? Amen.
[much of the verbaige taken from] The exhuming of a nation – By: Dr. Elihu N. Pleasant-Bey, DM, Swift Angel #1