Chinese HNA Group chairman falls to his death after posing for photo in France.

Interesting times, 3 major business stake-holders either suffered Fatal Accidents or Suspicious incidents that have long tails. 1. Headline story. 2: Canadian billionaire couple die in suspicious way, bodies found ‘hanging side by side next to pool’ 3: READ MORE: Rupert Murdoch ‘housebound’ after Caribbean sailing accident Published time: 4 Jul, 2018 19:15 Get short […]

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‘Post-West world order’ being shaped as we speak – Lavrov to Channel 4

The New order changeth, bringing back the old “Ancient Ones”. In this God “Generator-Operator-De-constructor” Full-fills Her-self in Diverse Ways. Lest more Evil Customs should Corrupt The World, Comfort Thyself, Moors “The Ancient Ones” Are Back In Town. Foreign Minister Lavrov Speaks Rightly, Now truly begins the new anxiously a-waited “Age of Aquarus”. Published time: 29 […]

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Train attendants on China-built rail in Kenya

(People’s Daily Online)    16:46, May 09, 2018 Train attendants pose for pictures at Nairobi station of the China-built Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) in May 2018. Two of them, Mwaka and Sharon, were invited to perform in the 2018 CCTV Spring Festival Gala. Construction of the 480-km railway linking Kenya’s largest port city Mombasa and capital […]

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