Lost castle discovered submerged in giant Turkish lake.
More of the hidden past is being uncovered daily now. What has been presented as ruins of past ages are re-surfacing to tell the story of wanton de-struction and whole-sale altering of “so-called His-story” as told from the Modern European Perspective. Belief in any of the current main-line re-telling of The Story by Academia, Governments or Fake Religions aka fake Science must be over-turned and real Know-ledge brought into The Light of Truth.
“We’ve being doing research on Lake Van for almost ten years now,” Ceylan told RT.com. “Last year, we found microbialites and a Russian ship from 1915. In 2016, we came across some sort of wall outside the harbor in one of our dives. “Later we’ve found out that it is a castle’s wall that started within the harbor and continues outside. The castle is approximately one kilometer long and has a solid structure. It was mostly made with cut stones and we’ve discovered a lion drawing in one of them which strengthen our theory that the castle might be built by Urartians, from a 3,200 year period,” he said.
Islam There is so much Moor to know from The Guardians AngEL’S Moorish Americans.Peace.