Venezuela has officially launched its oil-backed cryptocurrency.

Published time: 7 Oct, 2018 06:18 Get short URL [My commentary] As the Covert and Overt Wars continue on Dejure American Governments, it becomes clearer who is to blame and why. The European Colonialist are trying any and every bit of Tricknology to keep control of American Territories and Original Copper Colored Peoples. © Carlos […]

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Watch S-300 launchers, interceptors & radars unloaded in Syria after Il-20 downing.

Published time: 3 Oct, 2018 03:06 Get short URL © Russian Defence Ministry The Russian Defence Ministry has released video footage of the delivery of S-300 systems, interceptor missiles, radars and other hardware to Syria to boost the country’s air-defense capabilities in the wake of the Il-20 incident. The night-time footage shows the military hardware […]

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