Pompeo says US tried & failed to unite Venezuelan opposition in leaked audio

The Real Ab-Original American People are held as Prisoners of War since the 1800s up to here “right Now”. They are miss-named Black, Negro, African-American Colored, Latino, Puerto-Rican, Mayan Etc and have been robbed of all Rights, Titles and Heriditaments, by Modern European Colonists and Inquisitionists “Christian and some Muslims”. All other so-called whites, Modern […]

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Cash bail system drives mass incarceration of the poor – lawsuit against Detroit

The Lame Stream Media and De-facto U.S.A Government CORPORATION, love to talk about Racism and so-called white Supremacy, knowing full well those are buzz-words to cover the real Agenda “Secret Treaty of Verona” and “Doctrine of Discovery”. Yes to hide, Birth-Right Theft (bowl of red porridge) Heriditament Theft and Genocide of Ab-original Americans (Trading Places). […]

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