Caspian deal an antidote to Washington’s bully boy tactics.

As usual, while the rest of the world works for Comity and Sharing with each other, the Colonial “former Powers” using Tricknology, try to make war or impose their stinky politics on The Nations of The World. It appears that these modern Western European Hybrid Albions (for the most part) are like an incurable dis-ease […]

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Russia gives US intel on planned chemical weapons provocation in Syria.

This addendum to the story is from earlier this year when Western European and U.S.A Air Forces and Navies Attacked and Bombed Syria (War Crimes), under pretense of  protecting Protecting the Syrian People. There seems to never be any chance missed by these “Colonial Invaders”, to cause havoc in Sovereign Republics, that do not bow […]

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US threatens new Turkey sanctions unless jailed pastor released. What About Millions of American Nationals In Prisons by The U.S.A. Now???

A Colonial U.S.A Person commits crimes in an other Country, that U.S.A Sanctions and Threatens The Country or Countries. Under Colonization, Millions of Original American Nationals “Moors” are held in Concentration Camp Style Prisons by U.S. Corporation Militarized Policy Enforcers “Right Here and Now”, Where is The Outrage and Sanctions against them. Nationally (So-called Whites) […]

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NDAA sought to derail Open Skies & New START treaties with Russia.

The Western Powers so-called all-ways talk about Peace, but their version of peace is to have their boots on all other Countries Neck. This was how they took control of The Entire World, by speaking with Forked Tongue aka Saying different things at the same time out of different sides of their Faces. That method […]

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