Noble "drew ali" our prophet received from the nations of America in 1928 the mandate recognizing the Moors claim to the Americas.

In 1928, Noble Drew Ali attended the Pan-American Conference in Havana, Cuba. At said conference, our Prophet received from the nations of America the mandate recognizing the Moors’ claim to the Americas, and simultaneously, the expiration of the European mandate to occupy Moorish lands in the Western Hemisphere. The issuance and invocation of this Official […]

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Ambulance-chasing Texas lawmaker celebrates midterm win from jail.

***Revealing*** This sort of thing is routine practice for All the European Albion Colonizers daily. But of course no need to address that, since the idea is to try to claim they are clean and honest, while un-conscious Moors, aka so-called Blacks are held to redicule and shaming for the same thing. How many Pale […]

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Migrants who throw rocks will be arrested, not shot – Trump.

***These U.S Colonial people are no friends of Truth***Venezuela poses no actual threat to the US, though you’d be forgiven for thinking it did to hear Bolton’s speech. U.S administration claims leaders in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras blame Maduro’s government for organizing and financing the migrant caravans currently creeping toward the US border. Meanwhile, […]

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Venezuela has officially launched its oil-backed cryptocurrency.

Published time: 7 Oct, 2018 06:18 Get short URL [My commentary] As the Covert and Overt Wars continue on Dejure American Governments, it becomes clearer who is to blame and why. The European Colonialist are trying any and every bit of Tricknology to keep control of American Territories and Original Copper Colored Peoples. © Carlos […]

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