
  • carrington posted an update 1 year, 11 months ago

    At this time the East Emperor Taiyi’s injury which had just been a little stable was made more serious by Houtu Looking at the tragic appearance of the East Emperor Taiyi the great magical powers around him were suddenly stunned They did not expect that Houtu who had always appeared in a kind and gentle image in the flood and famine would also have such a furious side They all sympathized with the East Emperor Taiyi in their hearts “Didn’t you see that he was so angry You still went to add fuel to the fire Isn’t this purely looking for abuse” The angry fairy can’t afford to be hurt! This kid was born to be an idiot! “Cough!” Seeing the tragic appearance of the East Emperor Taiyi the Zhunti Taoist who had always boasted of being’invincible ‘ could not help but shiver at this time He swallowed the foam slightly and made up his mind that even if he angered Zhang Han in the future he would not want to meet the furious Houtu and other female immortals He really couldn’t afford to be hurt! “Big brother I didn’t expect sister-in-law to be so fierce!” Looking at Houtu’s powerful East Emperor Tai’s vomiting of blood even Sanqing who had been hiding in the void with Zhang Han was a little frightened Zhang Han listened to the words of Sanqing after looking at the earth Qiao face hanging on a face of evil spirit the corners of the mouth can not help but slightly twitch he did not expect after the earth was so irritable it is simply a lion roaring in the east of the river ah!!! Ignoring the injured East Emperor Taiyi Houtu did not stay and went straight to Kunpeng Seeing that East Emperor Taiyi didn’t even catch Houtu’s move Kunpeng Taoist immediately knew the danger As the East Emperor of the Demon Clan East Emperor Taiyi was much stronger than Kunpeng the demon master of the Demon Clan He couldn’t even stop others Can he do it himself Suddenly Kunpeng’s eagle eyes flashed a trace of numbness Not good At this time after seeing the earth straight to him how dare the Taoist Kunpeng rush to the ancestral witchcraft temple! Hurriedly displays own talent magical power that Pengcheng ninety thousand miles of speed immediately uses directly a dodge body withdrew from the ancestral sorcerer holy land evaded the attack of the back earth Although the ancestral sorcery temple is guarded by array which can block the entry of Kunpeng Taoist but the sorcery clan holy land let a demon clan touch in this is the desecration of the holy land this is the shame of all sorceries how not to let Houtu rage Looking at the Kunpeng Taoist who retreated to Emperor Jun’s side Houtu did not intend to let him go The determination to slay Kunpeng Taoist at this moment was even deeper than that of Emperor Jun and East Emperor Taiyi Whew! Just as Houtu was chasing Kunpeng a figure flew out of Houtu’s body with a whoosh and then flew towards Kunpeng Taoist who had just been taken into the space Lingbao by Houtu because Houtu did not restrict Zhurong So Ceramic Bobbin even if ravaged by is in the space LingBao inside the healing time also can see what happened outside the sorcery clan has a special feeling to the ancestral sorcery hall in the see Kun Peng to break into the ancestral sorcery hall even if the injury is not fully recovered he is not willing to heal do not slay Kun Peng he is really difficult to eliminate the hatred of the heart suddenly mixed with great anger The moment Ravaged came out of Houtu’s space Lingbao he went to kill Kunpeng Ah Yaya! Kun Peng shameless man come to die! Of course to kill the ROC at the same time ravaged also idle every day wow raised his fists flew to the top of the ROC a surge of magic in the body swing his fists to the bottom of the ROC Suddenly two fists burst out landslides countless chaotic stones flying under this strong pressure the surrounding air condensed into a solid the space was violently distorted then the whole sky began to shake violently space seemed to collapse at any time a crack covered the world Kun Peng devours!!! In the face of Ravaged by this Taishan-like punch Kunpeng is also a dignified face dare not have the slightest neglect decisive use of his most powerful talent Suddenly I saw Kunpeng Taoist’s heart a black whirlpool appeared in an instant gradually forming a huge black hole and rapidly expanding instantly blocking the whole body of Kunpeng but also resisting the ferocious punch of Ravaged “Boom!” ‘Kun Peng devour ‘is the unique skill of Kun Peng the power of nature is very powerful in addition to the strength of Kun Peng and Ravaged are not much usually this may be a long match that can not be won or lost in a short time but at this time Ravaged has just been injured when he fought with the East Emperor Ravaged by how can resist the same level with him but intact kunpeng Suddenly accompanied by a huge suction to the moment ravaged by the power of his fists were swallowed up by the huge black hole this time a short battle but ravaged by the defeat See a move failure ravaged again kunpeng voice suddenly from the dark black hole “hum!”! Ravaged you still dare to fight with this demon master you look at your brothers in the distance ha ha! This time my demon clan must destroy your witch clan! Ha-ha 。
    At this time the East Emperor Taiyi’s injury which had just been a little stable was made more serious by Houtu Looking at the tragic appearance of the East Emperor Taiyi the great magical powers around him were suddenly stunned They did not expect that Houtu who had always appeared in a kind and gentle image in the flood and famine would also have such a furious side They all sympathized with the East Emperor Taiyi in their hearts “Didn’t you see that he was so angry You still went to add fuel to the fire Isn’t this purely looking for abuse” The angry fairy can’t afford to be hurt! This kid was born to be an idiot! “Cough!” Seeing the tragic appearance of the East Emperor Taiyi the Zhunti Taoist who had always boasted of being’invincible ‘ could not help but shiver at this time He swallowed the foam slightly and made up his mind that even if he angered Zhang Han in the future he would not want to meet the furious Houtu and other female immortals He really couldn’t afford to be hurt! “Big brother I didn’t expect sister-in-law to be so fierce!” Looking at Houtu’s powerful East Emperor Tai’s vomiting of blood even Sanqing who had been hiding in the void with Zhang Han was a little frightened Zhang Han listened to the words of Sanqing after looking at the earth Qiao face hanging on a face of evil spirit the corners of the mouth can not help but slightly twitch he did not expect after the earth was so irritable it is simply a lion roaring in the east of the river ah!!! Ignoring the injured East Emperor Taiyi Houtu did not stay and went straight to Kunpeng Seeing that East Emperor Taiyi didn’t even catch Houtu’s move Kunpeng Taoist immediately knew the danger As the East Emperor of the Demon Clan East Emperor Taiyi was much stronger than Kunpeng the demon master of the Demon Clan He couldn’t even stop others Can he do it himself Suddenly Kunpeng’s eagle eyes flashed a trace of numbness Not good At this time after seeing the earth straight to him how dare the Taoist Kunpeng rush to the ancestral witchcraft temple! Hurriedly displays own talent magical power that Pengcheng ninety thousand miles of speed immediately uses directly a dodge body withdrew from the ancestral sorcerer holy land evaded the attack of the back earth Although the ancestral sorcery temple is guarded by array which can block the entry of Kunpeng Taoist but the sorcery clan holy land let a demon clan touch in this is the desecration of the holy land this is the shame of all sorceries how not to let Houtu rage Looking at the Kunpeng Taoist who retreated to Emperor Jun’s side Houtu did not intend to let him go The determination to slay Kunpeng Taoist at this moment was even deeper than that of Emperor Jun and East Emperor Taiyi Whew! Just as Houtu was chasing Kunpeng a figure flew out of Houtu’s body with a whoosh and then flew towards Kunpeng Taoist who had just been taken into the space Lingbao by Houtu because Houtu did not restrict Zhurong So Ceramic Bobbin even if ravaged by is in the space LingBao inside the healing time also can see what happened outside the sorcery clan has a special feeling to the ancestral sorcery hall in the see Kun Peng to break into the ancestral sorcery hall even if the injury is not fully recovered he is not willing to heal do not slay Kun Peng he is really difficult to eliminate the hatred of the heart suddenly mixed with great anger The moment Ravaged came out of Houtu’s space Lingbao he went to kill Kunpeng Ah Yaya! Kun Peng shameless man come to die! Of course to kill the ROC at the same time ravaged also idle every day wow raised his fists flew to the top of the ROC a surge of magic in the body swing his fists to the bottom of the ROC Suddenly two fists burst out landslides countless chaotic stones flying under this strong pressure the surrounding air condensed into a solid the space was violently distorted then the whole sky began to shake violently space seemed to collapse at any time a crack covered the world Kun Peng devours!!! In the face of Ravaged by this Taishan-like punch Kunpeng is also a dignified face dare not have the slightest neglect decisive use of his most powerful talent Suddenly I saw Kunpeng Taoist’s heart a black whirlpool appeared in an instant gradually forming a huge black hole and rapidly expanding instantly blocking the whole body of Kunpeng but also resisting the ferocious punch of Ravaged “Boom!” ‘Kun Peng devour ‘is the unique skill of Kun Peng the power of nature is very powerful in addition to the strength of Kun Peng and Ravaged are not much usually this may be a long match that can not be won or lost in a short time but at this time Ravaged has just been injured when he fought with the East Emperor Ravaged by how can resist the same level with him but intact kunpeng Suddenly accompanied by a huge suction to the moment ravaged by the power of his fists were swallowed up by the huge black hole this time a short battle but ravaged by the defeat See a move failure ravaged again kunpeng voice suddenly from the dark black hole “hum!”! Ravaged you still dare to fight with this demon master you look at your brothers in the distance ha ha! This time my demon clan must destroy your witch clan! Ha-ha 。