“One of the possibilities is to in fact, play with the principles of what you’ve been taught WoTLK Gold. And what we’ve all believed, WoW is,” Cash said. “Normally you’ll be getting gear which could represent an incremental boost, and over time you’re going to get lots of them, and you’ll increase in strength gradually. In Torghast, there’s the intriguing possibility that lurks in the ever-changing layouts , monsters, and traps. What if we can give players a buff can double your power in a matter of seconds? And it can be combined with another thing and another thing and another thing, such that you can instantly destroy enemies. And when they explode they combine to explode other enemies. Those enemies are able to heal you. These are crazy combinations are essential, and you’ll need them to conquer these more powerful levels.”
“It’s an opportunity for us to investigate a space that–you know, you can’t increase your power in the outdoors because we’d be forced to farm to death in that and get rid of the raid far too quickly or to easily” his words. “And we can explore rules we normally can’t.”
There’s not a timer in Torghast and at some point, you will die. But climbing the tower isn’t just about determining how far you can go, but also about having a an unpredictability game that you can replay over and over buy WoTLK Classic Gold. There are rewards in addition to the buffs that you’ll discover on the way to make an activity more appealing.