A hooded figure will be standing there, surrounded by the Barrows brothers. He will guarantee them that his ability, in addition to that of his allies, is slowly now growing OSRS Fire Cape. More vyrewatch appear, Together with vyreguards and one of the Drakan Lords. The Barrows Brothers go into war mode and begin killing some vyres, but you need to fight too.
The vyreguard is a harder version of this vyrewatch, but the Drakan Lord may use a ranged attack with nerves (it’s weak though), and Blood Rush (this is only a few times during the battle, so don’t worry). The Barrows Brothers will be an advantage, however they may go after you, and that means you’ve got to position yourself right, lest you confront a souped up Dharock (who for all you Barrows players will be WAY deadlier than that weakling Kharil). Their boss’s work without doubt.
After this, Azzanadra appears. He lets you know that the Zamorakian mahjarrat are becoming more powerful, but he knows of a historical weapon that could defeat them: the Godsword. Throughout the God Wars, several Zarosians built a headquarters below the dungeon in which the Godsword was fought over.
Head back to the aviansie in the Eagle’s Peak Mountain. They will tell you that your own soul is at risk after helping Azzanadra. Describe to them the positioning of Jaldroacht Pyramid, and they will issue orders to the Desert Eagle underneath them. Next, you will be advised that Azzanadra must be planning to utilize the Vault of Souls to ressurect Zaros. Its place is unknown, but it will be at a cursed place.
You’re told the place is also underwater. Head to the Ancient Cavern, and try to open the Mithril Doors. You are thrown backwards, and several spirits seem. Now, you must run. Proceed to the Oracle, and she’ll shriek if she finds you went there. She will inform you that only a legend who wielded an elemental energy, and was the master of his own mind and body, ever escaped from the vault of spirits.
He’ll automatically discard some chewed bones. When nothing happens, speak to Otto Godblessed relating to it. He’ll suggest a potion to help. Make a rest potion out of soul weed and snape bud. Use it on your pyre ship, light it, and a soul will appear and provide you a key. He will state you need to also wield elemental power and command both mind and body Cheap OSRS Gold. Go to the elemental workshop into the area which has the zapper chair and across from it’s a locked door with all the entire body rune symbol on it* Open it with your own key and search some shelves to the book of this elemental spear.