This innovative quiz game is based on searching and guessing the exact location on the world map!This is the /World Heritage/ version.Thanks to this game you will feel familiar with the world heritages and geography. It will also give you the feeling of traveling.[How to Play]1. Tap START to display the world map and quiz. 2. When you enlarge the map to specify the location, the /red flag/ will be put on the correct location.3. Tap the flag. The name and the check button will appear. Tap the check button.This way is how to solve a quiz.Once you solve a quiz, youll be also able check the following sites.The /W/ button links to the Wikipedia. If you want to know more about the quiz answer, go to check the link. The /P/ button links to the Google map. Panoramio will allow you to view the photos around the area. Street View is also available depending on the location you choose. (* About Wikipedia, Google map, Panoramio, please follow the terms of use of each site.)Tap the /→/ button to try the next quiz. If you have no idea where the location is, take a hint. You can view the hint by tapping /Show Hint/ on the /Menu/ at the upper right.Tap the /→/ button to skip to the next quiz.Thank you
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