As I’ve seen it from my own experience even though I had leveled a character through Outland leveling again, as a Death Knight was awesome and for many reasons. One reason is that there are so many players playing the damn game, and the whole world seems incredibly alive. General chats are always in use. It’s very easy to form teams on PvP realms.
There’s a lot of global pvp going on, from what I’ve heard and the feeling of community is very robust at the moment. Now you might think like I did that there will be a raging hive of chaos and madness being there are so many players around, but you’d be very wrong. Even at Oculus when I first started to leveling my authorial, the game was definitely crowded with players but thanks to Blizzards modulated response timer and phasing system.
There was never too much discontent to achieve the objective for a quest or be credited for a specific mob kill or an Outland I’ve never been unable to find a group for ramparts to be used in group classes or even anything in the shop when I was at a higher level. Because everyone is united with the same goal: getting to level 70 as quickly as you can and prepare for the Lich King.
The community is very welcoming in the present. They’re extremely patient, and they’re very energetic currently, at the very least to create content, either on their own or with others. It’s pretty great. I also have to address an unimportant elephant in the room, and is it this: if you’re a person that didn’t play Wrath of the Lich King for a while, you are not aware of how wildly overpowered and over-played the death knights were back in that expansion. When wrath first came out.
Death Knights were so powerful that healers were useless for early dungeons now Outland aren’t certain about more advanced dungeons. I mean, someone can tell me that in the comments section. What’s interesting is that death knights can self heal at a rapid rate. So back in the day, they could just recover their well-being repeatedly There was no need for the services of a healer.
If you’re a new player or just want to give your character a head start, buying World of Warcraft WOTLK Gold and using it to buy quality gear and level up quickly is a great option. MMOEXP’s professional boosters happen to farm a lot of gold and they are always happy to trade with you. Buy and get a lot of gold coins without grinding! They will increase your cash flow and fill up your coffers easily and quickly.