In light of the impending crisis on Earth’s atmosphere and life, the Government of UK is now committed to “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. Its Sustainability Action Plan includes reduced use of energy, water and other resources like paper. Additionally, it aims to upgrade the energy usage of individuals and organizations alike by providing free central heating under the Gov UK Grants Scheme. The UK Government is also focused on minimising waste by adopting and implementing the Reduce – ReUse – Recycle approach.
Since the invention of the first coal – powered steam engines in the 1700s, there has been a steep increase in the consumption of non – renewable natural resources to meet the daily needs of the ever – increasing human population. Coal, natural gas and oil are mindlessly burned to generate electricity and to power transportation. This incessant production of carbon dioxide is causing major ill – effects on the Earth’s ecosystem and mankind’s health. The rate at which carbon dioxide is being released to the environment is hundreds of thousands of times faster than it took the carbon to be buried underground. It is also much faster than the carbon cycle can work to remove it from the environment again. As a result, this excess carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere and dissolves in the Oceans.
The harmful effects of fossil – fuel incineration include –
Release of Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide to the atmosphere increases the greenhouse effect, which can last for hundreds of years. This increase in overall temperature of Earth’s atmosphere is the main cause of climate change that drastically affects both flora and fauna.
Harmful pollutants like Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, etc lead to poor air quality which can cause an array of respiratory diseases.
Airborne particles like soot settle on ice, making it absorb more sunlight and thus melting faster than ever before. This not only impacts the patterns of freshwater availability, but also has a drastic affect on wildlife that is solely dependent on ice for survival.
As Greenhouse Gases react with Water Vapour, there is an increase in the acidity of precipitation, resulting in Acid Rain. Along with contaminating freshwater reserves and wildlife, acid rain also contributes to weathering of rocks and manmade structures.
Strictly following through on its many sustainability initiatives, the UK Government is adamant to achieve its Net Zero target by 2050. This can partly be achieved by making sure that all households throughout the Country run on renewable energy and stop emitting greenhouse gases by installing updated heating systems. For this purpose, free central heating is being offered to eligible households.
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Govuk created the group Gov UK Grants for a Sustainable Future 2 years, 1 month ago