Moors Standing In Truth, search out the Hidden Story.
Sabotage is being carried out right now, yes, let us Lien Face-Book for a Few Trillion Gold Backed Currency. We will have the Truth and shut down the Lying News Confusers aka “De-facto Government and Legal Tricksters”.
👁🗨👳🏿♀️👳🏿♂️It is now time to show the whole picture Moors World-Wide. What-so-ever the Colonials have been hiding, Bring it to light and publish it widely🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦. We must make the World Entire be our Free Press and support our own Moors who are Standing in Truth👳🏿♂️👁🗨👳🏿♀️.
Hr0689 97th General Assembly
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HOUSE RESOLUTION : 2 WHEREAS, The Moorish Americans are the descendants of the : 3: ancient Moabites, Hamites, and Canaanites who were permitted by : 4: the Old Pharaohs of Kemet to traverse from East Africa and : 5: later formed themselves kingdoms extending from the : 6: northwestern and southwestern shores of Africa, the Atlantic : 7
06 LC 97 0689 House Resolution 1785 By: Representatives …
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06 LC 97 0689 H. R. 1785 – 1 – House Resolution 1785 By: Representatives Murphy of the 23rd, Knox of the 24th, and Amerson of the 9th A RESOLUTION 1 Commending Mr. Dave Culpepper on being named Georgia´s National Distinguished
15 LC 108 0689 House Resolution 639 A RESOLUTION
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15 LC 108 0689 H. R. 639 – 1 – House Resolution 639 By: Representatives Brooks of the 55th and Beasley-Teague of the 65th A RESOLUTION 1 Honoring the life and memory of Earnest Jack Ingram; and for other purposes.
H.Res.109 – 116th Congress (2019-2020): Recognizing the duty …
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Summary of H.Res.109 – 116th Congress (2019-2020): Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.
Bills & Resolutions |
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A concurrent resolution originating in the House of Representatives is designated “H.Con.Res.” followed by its individual number. On approval by both the House of Representatives and Senate, they are signed by the Clerk of the House and the Secretary of the Senate. They are not presented to the President for action. Simple Resolutions
HOUSE JOURNAL – Illinois General Assembly
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HOUSE RESOLUTION 674 Offered by Representative Cross: Congratulates Gary Bretthauer, Kendall Coun ty Extension Educator, on his retirement. HOUSE RESOLUTION 675 Offered by Representative Madigan: Congratulates Norman Bobins on the occasion of his retirement as chairman of LaSalle Bank Corporation.
Al Moroccan Federal Government
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During the Obama administration, Mayors and city Councils throughout the ‘United States’ issued signed and sealed proclamations, proclaiming that Al Moroccans, “Moors” are ‘Aboriginal’ to North, Central, and South America (that language can be found in House Resolution 0689, paragraph 3).
Rahm Emanuel co-sponsored a resolution supporting the Geneva …
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In November, Americans for Peace Now published a “Spotlight on Rahm Emanuel” that included details on the resolution. The full article can be accessed here. Below is the section on House of Representatives resolution 462 (on which Congress never voted): Geneva Resolution (November 2003)
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1933 – LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL – HOUSE – PAGE 5759 RESOLUTION No. 75 Mr. WITKIN, Mr. Speaker, I desire at this time to call up Resolution No. 75, Printer’s No. 1034. The Resolution was read by the Clerk as follows: In the House of Representatives, April 17, 1933. Many sons and daughters of
HOUSE RESOLUTION 6 – Idaho State Legislature
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HOUSE RESOLUTION 6. The status of each bill, resolution, proclamation, and memorial is updated when the offices of the Secretary of the Senate and the Chief Clerk of the House publish the un-official daily journals and should not be deemed official.