It’s certainly something FFXIV excels at. If I don’t feel like doing something in the game but would like it to WOW Classic TBC Gold continue when I’m eating dinner and waiting to go back to the queue then I’ll hop to Limsa because there’s always something happening.
One of my most memorable early memories of the game was playing with some of my irl acquaintances, hanging out with a few others playing the game with whom we had just initiated a chat and then heading to Costa del Sol to sit on the beach and gaze at the sun rise while making long jokes and sharing stories. Although technicallyspeaking, we weren’t playing anything nevertheless, it was engaging and enjoyable. It’s extremely rare to come across any game that has this.
After my afternoon play session, I went to Limsa as usual. I was greeted by a person (cuz I’m so short) after which they commented on my tank outfit and then for the next few minutes we just danced together, then said goodbye. This kind of thing is a completely normal occurrence in the game, it’s an absolute delight.
LotRO is the MMO closest to FFXIV in terms of player-led activities. I’ve used Landroval to create avatars as well as hosted Weatherstock. There was nothing as buy TBC Classic Gold close to the day-to-day activity that I’ve observed here.